
WEB 701 Reflection

In this blog post I will go over what we did in WEB and how it was. to start with I really enjoyed this web class as we where left to ourselves to research web technologies. This class started with practice project, this was done in groups and covered Milestone 1 and a little of Milestone 2.

Milestone one was a standard IA which we talked about what we wanted in project, what we did was cover a Berry Growers website where growers can upload berries and user can buy them through an auction system. In this IA I covered what functions would be and covered what the other competitors are.

The second milestone which was part of the first one was covering 3 different frameworks, and WordPress. After that we where to select what one we wanted, for this project I went with WordPress, using WordPress was new to me and using plugins to put the function in that the website requirements needed.

In the final milestone we where to create the website and set up the functionally and then deploy it onto the server that was provided for us. I have covered what the website has and looks like in a previous post.

For the last project in web we had to look into a new internet technology for this I went with the framework Vue.js. This was fun for me as I wanted to learn something new and delve into a new technology.

Overall this was probably my most enjoyable class of the semester as I really enjoy using web technologies and creating stuff within that area of IT.



Project 3 (VUE.JS)

For the final project for WEB this year we where to look into a new technology that would be help shape the future of the internet, in this post I will show case what Vue.js is and what I created with it.

Vue.js is an open source progressive JavaScript framework is shines when wanting to create user interfaces and single page applications.

Small size and speed – the overall size of Vue is so small, its initial size being 18-21kb’s it is also faster then the other three big frameworks that are being used today. Easy to understand for both newcomers and experienced developers. Vue.js can also be implemented to already created web applications.

What I created with VUE was a news app and a marvel comics database application.


You can select from many different new outlets.


This is done through the use of a news API key. The next application I created with Vue.js was a marvel database application where it displays all the marvel characters and then once you click on it, displays information ( if it has it) and a photo.


Creating these with VUE was fun and easier then I thought it was still challenging as I had to learn some Java and learn how the framework functioned but since the vue community is really helpful and the forms where very insightful It was easy to go on there and get the information I needed.



WEB 701 MS3

This is it after two milestones of reports we finally got to create our website, what I used was WordPress platform, all the paper work can now go live into a fully working website so here goes.

First up is the landing page of the finished Nelson Berry Growers website.



the next page is the berry page, this page showcases what berries are available and when they are.


A growers page that show cases all the growers who have signed up to the website.


The website also consists of an auction page where these growers can post auctions.


Next few pages are just standard on all other websites they are a login, register and a contact page. the difference being you can either sign in as a normal user, grower or and website administrator.


This is the registration form for the nelson berries website at the bottom of this page there is an option at the bottom which has two choices either signing up as a user or a grower.


This is the basic login screen for the Nelson Berry Growers, the last page is just standard contact page.


Creating this website with WordPress was a really fun assignment, learning what the plugins could do and what ones would work together was a fun challenge. Overall milestone 3 was a really fun project!



Today was a really good practical lesson where we go to install and use Git Bash and learn something new, it was also cool to for me as I got to connect to Todd’s server ( New Simland) – though our class was only two hours long we managed to cover a lot over that time.


First we installed Git Bash a new shell we are using to connect to the server new simland – here we logged in with the user name and password we where given by Todd, while using git bash we where able to look at our databases, create them, create and edit tables.

We also used WinSCP to login into the  server this was cool as it showed a lot of information and the folders for my user name.

I have also been doing our group work – we have ran into a problem with learning meteor and laravel, at the moment I am playing/learning laravel more then Meteor, I am hoping by the end of the week that I will have something that kinda looks like a booking system.



Meteor VS Laravel

Since we have made good progress on the IA – we are now in our groups comparing Meteor and Laravel  over the weekend and last week I had a look at what the different features are, at the moment these are just findings on the internet I have yet to play around with both and really test the different features.

Bellow is some of the different features we have found between Meteor and Laravel.

Frame Work Meteor Laravel
System Requirements
OS Cross Platform Cross Platform
Programming Language Javascript PHP
Database Mongo DB My SQL
Front-end and server-side Server side only
Architecture MVC MVC
Authentication . Laravel’s own Authentication system.
SQL Injectiom Protection against SQL injection
CSRP Protection against CSRF (Cross Site Request Forgery)
XSS Protection against XSS (Cross Site Scripting)
Hosting Yes (Galaxy)
Online help No No
Manual Yes Yes
Training No Yes (certification)
Tutorials Yes 3rd party
Forum Yes Yes
Build Automation
Packaging Yes
Built In Applications
CSS & JS minification
Reactive templates
Same code on both client and server side.
Provides helpful client-side technologies such as helpers, events, and templates
Performs the updations automatically when any changes created in data of a database.
It allows direct access to a database
It has efficient cloud platform ‘Galaxy’ which is very useful to deploy and monitor client applications.

This isn’t the final table – as it is still being updated but it gives a nice look into what we have been up to.



Monday lesson and sick at home, today we just worked on our IA and there was a meeting at the library but I was attending from home here are the notes from that meeting.


I have also been learning Meteor today, learning my way around it, I am finding this hard, this week I will be working on Laravel.

Overall our group has made really good progress on this project and we will be onto the next part by our next lesson.




Today is the second class of our first week in WEB and the first day of our meeting in our group = Team A, this was a good first meeting, during this meeting we worked on questions to ask, who was gonna be doing what in the IA – and when we would try to have it done – I myself are going to be working on the design aspect of the report, doing up wire-frames, doing blueprints doing the site map.

Today I also installed Meteor and Laravel these are gonna be fun to learn – during today I have followed some meteor tutorials and it has been fun learning something new.

Attached in the photos is the meetings of the first meeting.

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25/02/2019 First Class

Today is our first class of WEB701, this lesson started off being a more introduction class – covering things like what we will cover, what the assignment will be like, what we will cover, how much our assessments are worth – we also have to write a journal/blog which this is – a link to our journal also has to be handed into Todd by 11:55pm tomorrow.

Next step we are to do a group project in a team of five, the team is built up of Me (Cam), Rob, Stewart, Jarad and Hao – we have set up a google doc for both communication and recording our group meetings.


