PRO702 - Plant & Food Research

Blog 5

Blog Week 5

Week 5 into project already and the last week of August… its crazy how fast this project is going – this is going to be one of the bigger weeks.

To start off on Tuesday we had a meeting, and everyone was present, students and staff that are helping us with out projects. During this meeting I asked about what data they would really want in the graphs. This meeting was also extremely helpful with getting feedback on the UI.

UI Feed-Back overall the UI went down great! We all agreed that having either page breaks on the landing page or a tank sorter would be extremely helpful and help with navigation. Another suggestion was to add different Icons to different sized tanks – at the moment I have only one icon for all tanks which to me is very overwhelming. We also talked about adding some more information about the tanks on the landing page – this is to assist the users so at a quick glimpse they know what is in the tank and if the tank is either big, small, or even a tray.

Onto the graph side of things about talking about it and wanting the graphs to be connected to some sort of data source we have decided to go using a basic CSV file (Databases are currently on the way but due to the time constraints on the project a CSV file be used).

A CSV file will also be surfactant as not every single piece of data will be needed for visualising with the web application, I am making for PFR.

So this week I will create the CSV with some data, and try to connect it to Chart.js this I don’t know how to do but I will give myself one week to get it done, lucky for me there is a lot of information on how to do this and a good amount of tools on how to get it done.

Timeline for CSV connectivity:

Tuesday 27th August – Friday 30th August – research CSV connectivity, and test with mock data before adding to project.

Tuesday 3rd September – Friday 7th September – implement CSV connectivity for one Tank once that is completed spend the rest of the week creating graphs for all over tanks.

During the meeting we also talked about more features that could be added once the core visualisation is completed. This will covered in the week 6 or 7 blog – if all visualisation is completed with the timeline I have created.

Implementing this will be challenging, but I look forward to learning how to create data from a CSV along with learning the language to be able to do for future projects.


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